» Only 4 States Of Resiliency – Which One Are You In?

Only 4 States Of Resiliency – Which One Are You In?

By "Just in Case" Jack •  Updated: 10/01/20 •  9 min read

Everybody fits into 1 of 4 possible states of resilience:

  1. You’re Already Extremely Resilient 
  2. You’re Working On Getting More Resilient
  3. You’re Not Resilient Yet But Would Like To Start
  4. You’re Not Resilient And Could Care Less

But regardless of which state you’re currently in, this article is for you.

It’s for both the resilient few, the fragile masses, and everyone in between.

Because today we’re going to discuss the fool’s strategy of relying on others for your own survival.

A Fools Strategy

Those of us interested in being a part of the resilient few are familiar with the age-old adage:

“Don’t tell anyone about your preps.”

This adage goes for food, supplies, firearms, ammo, bunkers, weapons, tools, water, etc.

However, there’s one odd trait nearly who prepares possesses. It’s our uncontrollable desire to share our knowledge with friends and family.

Maybe it’s our deep-seated need for validation in the eyes of our less-prepared friends.

Or perhaps we’re hoping to convince others to have more personal responsibility as well.

But regardless, let’s face reality and say it like it is. Most of society does not believe a significant catastrophe could turn into long-term survival.

But, we see a danger in the world, sometimes exaggerated, very often not.

We see an unstable world. And we have plenty of historical examples for proof of this.

We also understand that survival requires advanced and extensive preparation – which is hard and takes time and energy.

Unfortunately, most don’t want the hassle of prepping or aren’t willing to spend the money.

Or they prefer to live with their heads buried in the sand.

The fragile masses look at us as somewhat eccentric and often paranoid. At the same time, we look right back at them as sheep willing to march to their slaughter.

From The Perspective of The Fragile Masses

One of the ironies of the fragile masses is:

Although they view their resilient friends as extreme (and the butt of light-hearted jokes), they also see them as a cheap insurance policy, a safety net.

They say things like this,

“My friend may be paranoid, and he’s wasting his money with all this prepping crap. But if things do go bad, I know exactly where I’m heading. After all—he is my friend, right?”

They mistake the willingness to share knowledge with the desire to share resources. This is a fool’s strategy you should avoid.

I’ve overheard one of my friends say,

“I don’t have to own a lot of guns or ammo. I just have to be able to get to Jack’s house.”

Sure, this was said as an offhand joke. But I heard subtle undertones of hope.

In other words, they are admitting,

“I’m not gonna waste my time, efforts, and money on becoming more resilient. Because my friend across town has everything my family needs, plus, he’s my friend, so he has to help me, right”?

If You Are Guilty Of This Strategy

If you’re guilty of saying, “I’ll head to my prepared buddy’s place if SHTF,” let me ask you this.

Should your resilient friend share their resources with you just because your friends? Sure he may welcome you in with open arms if he’s a very good friend.

At this point, you’d best have something other than your charm and good looks. But you’ve never taken resiliency seriously; you’ve got nothing to share.

Now perhaps your neighbor is a good friend and a Christian. Maybe they’re willing to forgive you for your short-sightedness. Perhaps they’re filled with immense love and generosity. Well, then, you might be okay.

Now don’t get me wrong, you’re still a jerk in this equation. The guy holding his hand out for a slice of something you laughed about just a few days before is called a jerk.

On the other hand, even this great human can’t adequately love everyone.

There’s no way to share all their resources with everyone he knows. At least not without jeopardizing their own survival.

Perhaps you and your family are some of the lucky ones he chooses, or maybe, you don’t quite measure up.

There are three ways around this problem.

Your first option is worst; ask them.

Flat out, ask your friend if they’d be willing to share their resources with you and your family.

Ask, knowing you offer nothing helpful in return.

Does that sound reasonable?

Are you comfortable even asking the question? Of course not; you know it’s a lopsided, crappy thing to ask.

If you summon the courage to ask and he says,

“Sure, Pal. I love you and your family. You are always welcome to join us if things go bad.”

Then you are golden. Phew! The pressure is off. Or perhaps he isn’t such a good Christian after all, and you happen to have a hot spouse.

Make sure to think about all the possible angles before taking this gutless approach.

Second, you can begin making yourself more resilient as well. This strategy is the best way, the right way.

I said there were three ways. This last method is a bit sneaky but may still be viable. You don’t have to prep (per se). But it would be best if you had an inventory of things in your house that will have value in that post-apocalyptic world.

Well, isn’t that prepping, you ask? Yes and no.

Real preparedness involves survival shelters, stockpiling food, water, ammunition, medical supplies, etc.

Those who are resilient try very hard to address all their family’s foreseeable needs.

A fake prepper will ensure he has “some” stuff of value. Items they can trade for the “other things” they really need.

For instance, a true prepper will purchase and store a few weapons for use in a post-apocalyptic world.

For example, perhaps they own:

Someone who enjoys collecting guns may not be a prepper. But they still have a stash of valuable hardware they can barter into food, tools, medicine, or other needs.

How about the guy with a swimming pool in his backyard? He’s not a prepper, but he may have 25,000-35,000 gallons of freshwater stored back there.

How about the coupon clipper? You’ve all waited behind her at checkout at one time or another. We know who they are.

They’re the person who comes home with twenty-five dollars of stuff the store pays twenty-six dollars to buy.

They’re the ones who hit the stores with coupons and takes advantage of all the BOGOs – Buy One, Get One.

They’re not a prepper. But they now have a ton of calories and supplies, such as:

How about the family that has a garden or raises chickens for their eggs? They aren’t necessarily preppers, either. Just smart folks with a ready supply of food. And, of course, the tools and knowledge required to raise that food.

If you’re an avid hunter or fisherman and you bring those tools and skillsets. Okay. That has promise.

Maybe you’re a doctor – a doctor of medicine, mind you. PhDs and chiropractors don’t count in the post-apocalyptic world.

Do you own a gas-powered generator? It may get you through the door.

What about the guy who reloads ammo as a hobby? When SHTF, he cleans his inventory of bullets, primers, and powder and looks for a trade.

He’s bearing five hundred rounds of .30-06 or a thousand rounds of 9 mm Luger. That’s worth a ton of value in a chaotic world.

So what is the lesson here?

Don’t show up on someone’s doorstep and ask for food, shelter, or medicine in a time of great crisis. You’re risking your life if you have nothing to offer.

Your buddy’s decision to prepare is NOT a reason for you not to.

Keep in mind friendships work both ways. You view them as good friends and even better ones in times of need. Who is to say his view of you won’t change when you come with hat in hand?

He may ask himself, what kind of friend is this? The kind who takes advantage of another’s hard work and generosity. Is that the kind of friend you need?

So ask yourself this,

“If a neighbor knocks on YOUR door and asks for YOUR help when you haven’t prepped at all – will you share what little food you have?”

If the answer is no, don’t be surprised if that’s the same answer your prepper buddy gives you when you try it.

Besides, preppers have waited years to say,

“I told you so.”

If your family’s survival hinges on his opening that door after he says that—you might survive. Are you going to bet your life on it?

In survival, relying on generosity is a fool’s strategy.

“Just In Case” Jack

p.s. – Being prepared and mentally resilient are the two main aspects EVERYONE should focus on to be ready for future uncertainties and disasters.

If you agree and it’s something you seek, I recommend checking out The Resilient Life.

It’s a system and community of folks that support and adopt a resilient attitude toward all life’s ups and downs.

Because becoming a more resilient person provides the benefits of “options” and “security” in your life. More flexibility. All qualities necessary for achieving true fulfillment and happiness.

If this sounds like something you’d like to learn more about – Click Here to Check It Out!


"Just in Case" Jack

Co-Founder of TheResilientLife.com and SkilledSurvival.com. Creates content, helps members, and is the visionary behind The Resilient Life’s way of living. Husband, father, mechanical engineer, survivalist, and prepper.